How to convert your temporary job into a permanent one
Taking on a temporary job in London has plenty of benefits, offering a great way to develop your skills, supplement your income, try something new or fill in the gap between other endeavours without committing to a permanent contract. In some cases though, a permanent role is exactly what you’re after!
A London-based temp job is a fantastic opportunity to get your foot in the door, showcasing your skills and should the opportunity arise, take on a permanent role. When hiring for a new position or vacancy, a business is more likely to choose from a pool of candidates that they are familiar with, rather than taking a risk with someone completely new.
There are plenty of ways to put your best foot forward during your temp work placement, giving yourself the best chance of moving from a temporary job to permanent one.
Be 110% reliable
One of the hallmarks of any great employee is reliability. From turning up on time, to completing tasks autonomously, delivering what you’ve promised is always going to put you in good stead when it comes to hiring permanently. Approach your placement as if you are a permanent employee, keeping the standard of your work and enthusiasm levels high.
Create a gap only you can fill
Temporary work is often used to fill a gap, or provide extra assistance to a particular team. When you start a role, make it your own, going above and beyond to make yourself indispensable to the team. This means asking for feedback, proactively volunteering your skills outside of your job description or asking for extra responsibility. By taking a genuine interest in the role and offering to help wherever possible, you’ll show your dedication to your team, company and the success of the wider business.
Share your knowledge
If you have completed a few temporary jobs in London before, it’s likely that you are familiar with a number of different processes, procedures and systems. Therefore, should you spot a way for your current company to improve, why not share? Your knowledge could make a huge difference to the way they work, increasing effectiveness and efficiency. Should your placement be long enough to see these changes through, it’s also a great way to show initiative.

Network and build relationships
Becoming a familiar face is part of any role, but particularly important when you are looking for a new role. Building and maintaining relationships with everyone you interact with can pay off in the long run, as well as give you insight into company movements — colleagues can often be great sources of information about job opportunities. Use LinkedIn effectively, attend any events or workshops and always make a point to introduce yourself — being visible will ensure that when it comes down to decision time, you are front of mind.
Embrace the culture
Every workplace is different, which means that every workplace culture is too. While working as a temp, make sure to observe the environment and develop an understanding of what is acceptable, and what isn’t. If you’re not sure, ask! Should there be opportunity to get involved with social activities, lunchtime sessions and other work events, don’t be afraid to muck in — you never know where it might lead!
Express your interest
There’s no point putting in the hard yards if your employer doesn’t even realise that you’re open to being considered for a permanent job. Therefore, it’s worth establishing if there is any room for movement in terms of hiring, and then letting the right people know that you’d be interested should anything come up. This doesn’t need to be a formal request — why not mention it in a catch-up with your line manager? Be cautious, though, of asking for the world too early on, as this may place a strain on your working relationship. Patience is key!
Looking for a temporary job in London or beyond? Submit your details today! We are a leading temporary recruitment agency that can help you find your next role.